Iranian Classification Society Rules

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Section 3 Approval of Plans and Documents

301. Plans and documents for approval

1. In planning the building of a yacht which will comply with Classification requirements the follow- ing plans and documents are to be submitted for the approval of the Society prior to commence- ment of the work.










Midship section Construction profile Shell expansion

Watertight and oiltight bulkheads Deck plans

Structure plans of stem, sternframe and rudder

Superstructure and deckhouse plans Engine room structure plans

Hatchways, hatch covers and coamings arrangements

(10) Structure plans of propeller shaft brackets(struts), foils and struts supporting foils

(11) Foundations and relevant structure plan of boilers, main engines, thrust bearings, intermediate shaft bearing, generators and other heavy weight auxiliary components

(12) Final stability data

(13) Other plans and documents specified by the Society

2. When yachts are constructed in FRP, the lay-up procedures, joint details, secondary bondings details and materials list are to be submitted along with the approved plans and documents specified in Par 1 above.

302. Plans and documents for reference

1. In planning the building of a yacht which will comply with Classification requirements, the follow- ing plans and documents for reference are to be submitted in addition to the plans and documents for approval in 301.






General arrangement Specifications

Calculation sheets of longitudinal strength

Calculation sheets for midship section modulus and scantlings Other plans and documents specified by the Society

2. The final lines, hydrostatic curves, capacity plans, sea trials records and various tests are to be sub- mitted before delivery of the yacht.

3. When the yacht is constructed in FRP, moulding procedures and certificates of FRP material tests are to be submitted along with the plans and documents referenced in Par 1 and Par 2.
