Iranian Classification Society Rules

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Section 3 Rudder Torque

301. Rudder torque

The torque of general type rudder is to be obtained from the following formula.

kN m

: as defined in 201.

: distance (m ) form the center of rudder force on the rudder to the centerline of the rudder stock, determined by the following formula.


For the ahead condition, however, is not to be less


obtained from the formula.


: mean breadth (m ) of rudder determined by the coordinate system in Fig 4.1.2

as defined in Table 4.1.4

: the balance factors of the rudder obtained from the following formula.

portion of the rudder stock (m )

plate area situated ahead of the centerline of the rudder

as defined in 201.


Fig 4.1.2 Coordinate System of Rudders


Table 4.1.4 Factor

Course of rudder

Ahead condition


Astern condition
