Iranian Classification Society Rules

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Section 1 General

101. General

The materials to be which the system is

used in piping systems are to be suitable for the medium and service for intended. Unless specifically mentioned in this chapter, all metallic materials

with melting points above 900may be used.

102. Materials for piping arrangement

1. Copper and copper alloy pipes, valves and pipe fittings

(1) Copper and copper alloy pipes, valves and pipe fittings are not to be used for piping arrange- ments having design temperatures above the limits below. However, special bronze, suitable for high temperature service under the approval of the Society, may be used for piping arrange- ments having design temperatures up to 260.

(A) Copper and aluminium brass : 200

(B) Copper nickel : 300

(2) Pipes for starting air are not to be of copper or copper alloys when the outer diameter exceeds

44.5 mm .

2. Rigid plastic pipes may be used for Class III piping systems. However, service limitations and rele-

vant data are to be in accordance with Pt 5, Ch 6, 102. 3 of the Guidance Steel Ships.

for Classification of

3. Aluminium pipes may be used for Class III piping systems. However, service limitations and rele- vant data are to be in accordance with Pt 5, Ch 6, 102. 3 of the Guidance for Classification of

Steel Ships. However, aluminium alloy pipes may be used for following cases

hull is made of aluminium.

(1) Any pipe penetrating either A class division or B class division

only in case where

(2) Air pipes, overflow pipes and Sounding pipes to the tanks which do not form part of ship's structure

(3) Bilge pipes and ballast water pipes which are not included in pipes which directly affect water

ingress by damage when fire.