Iranian Classification Society Rules

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Section 3 Starting System

301. Starting system

1. The generators are to be installed to charge the starting batteries for the main engine starting by batteries.

2. In case the main engine started by compressed air, at least tow air compressors are to be installed and these may be driven by main engine. Each air compressor is to be provided with safety valves.

3. The construction of air tanks are to be of approved ones and each tank is to be provided with safety valves or plug and drain system.

4. The compressed air pipes are to be made of seamless steel pipe, and the thickness less than that obtained from following formula.

t are not to be



Ch 8 Machinery Installations Ch 8


: maximum working pressure (kgĤcmË)

: outer diameter of pipe (mm)

Æ : coefficient, in case of steel pipe 844, in case of cupper pipe 422.