Iranian Classification Society Rules

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Section 2 Pressure Reduction System

201. General

1. Each gas system is to be equipped with, or have provision for installation of, a pressure-reduction system designed to provide a fixed working pressure suitable for the consuming appliances but not more than 0.005 MPa. A label indicating the working pressure of the gas appliances installed is to be affixed in the vicinity of the gas cylinder installation.

2. The gas pressure-reduction system is to have an overpressure device to prevent uncontrolled pres- sure increase in the low-pressure side. Any gas discharge of the device is to be inside the cylinder locker or housing or is to be separately vented outside the craft. The device may be a pressure-re- lief governor, pressure-relief valve or an automatic safety shut-off valve.

3. The nominal regulated working pressure is to be indicated on the pressure regulator.

4. Pressure regulators of the external manual-adjustment type are not to be fitted.

5. The pressure regulator is to be located within the cylinder locker or housing.

6. If not rigidly connected to, and supported by, the cylinder connection, the pressure regulator is to

be separately secured within the cylinder locker or cylinder exposure to dirt and water.

housing to protect it from damage and

Ch 10 LPG System for Domestic Use Ch 10


7. Pressure regulators are to be made of corrosion-resistant metallic material or have an coating, such as paint or plastic, that is effective against external corrosion. Fasteners used are to be of corro- sion- resistant material or have a corrosion-resistant plating or coating.