Iranian Classification Society Rules

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Section 5 Location and Installation of Gas Cylinders

501. General

1. Gas cylinders, regulators and safety devices are to be secured against any movement as expected to result from marine service.

2. Gas cylinders, pressure regulators and safety devices are to be installed in cylinder lockers or cylin- der housing.

3. Cylinders, pressure regulators and safety devices located below decks or in cockpits are to be mounted in cylinder lockers which, when closed, are gas-tight to the craft interior, openable only from top of the locker, and are vented at the bottom by a drain of not less than 19 mm inside di- ameter or the equivalent area if not circular.

(1) The locker drain is to be run outboard, i.e., to the outside of the craft, and without sumps which can retain water, and with the outlet at a level lower than the locker bottom and as high as practicable, but not less than 75 mm above the at-rest waterline in the fully loaded ready-for- use condition.

(2) All hoses or metal piping penetrating the locker walls are to be sealed at the wall so as to maintain gas-tightness to the craft interior.

4. Cylinder-locker drain openings and cylinder-housing ventilation openings are to be located at least 500 mm from any hull opening to the interior of the craft.

5. No for storage of loose components that could damage the cylinder, pressure regulator, piping or hose installation or obstruct the locker drain is to be made in a cylinder locker or cylinder housing.

6. Cylinders, valves and pressure regulators are to be installed so that they are readily accessible, and are secured rigidly in their intended position so that gas in the vapour phase is withdrawn during use.

7. Provisions for storage of unconnected gas cylinders, whether filled or empty, are to be the same as cylinders connected to the system(See 2).