Iranian Classification Society Rules

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Section 10 Electrical Installations

1001. General

1. Electrical installations are to be such as to minimize the risk of fire and explosion from cargo.

Electrical installations complying with this Section need not be considered as a source of ignition

for the purposes of Sec 3.

2. The requirements not specified in this Section are to be in accordance with Pt 6 of the Rules.

3. Electrical equipment, cables and wiring are not to be installed in hazardous locations unless it con- forms with the standards not inferior to those acceptable to the Organization. In this case, it is to be in accordance with the standards published by the International Electrotechnical Commission, IEC 60092-502:1999" Electrical installation in ships - tankers. However, for locations not covered by such standards, electrical equipments, cables and wiring which do not conform to the standards may be installed in hazardous locations based on a risk assessment to the satisfaction of the Society to ensure that an equivalent level of safety is assured.

4. Where electrical equipment is installed in gas dangerous spaces or zones as provided in Par 3, it is to be satisfied to the Society and approved by the relevant authorities recognized by the Society for operation in the flammable atmosphere concerned.
