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101. General
Fire fighting system not specified in this chapter is to be in accordance with the Rules for the Classification of Steel Ships. However, satisfaction of equivalent standard such as Federal Aviation Regulation, etc. specified in this chapter may be permitted by the Society.
102. Fire detection system general
1. Fire detection system in a WIG ship is composed of detectors, indication boards, control boards and alarm system and is to remotely identify location and operational status of detectors.
2. Fire hazard areas and other enclosed spaces in the accommodation not regularly occupied, or di- rectly observable by the operating crew, such as toilets, stairway enclosures and corridors, are to be provided with an approved automatic smoke-detection system to indicate at the operating compart- ment the location of outbreak of a fire in all normal operating conditions of the installations.
3. For spaces where a person in the WIG ship is able to monitor an outbreak of fire, fire detection system may not be installed.
103. General requirements of fire detection system
1. Fire detection system installed according to 102. are to be in compliance with the provisions.
(1) Power supplies and electric circuits necessary for the operation of the system should tored for loss of power or fault conditions as appropriate. Occurrence of a fault
following be moni-
should initiate a visual and audible fault signal at the control panel which should be distinct from a fire signal. The control panel should be located in the operating compartment.
(2) There should be not less than two sources of power supply for the electrical equipment used in the operation of the fixed fire-detection and fire alarm system, one of which should be an
emergency source. The supply should be provided by separate feeders reserved solely for that
purpose. Such feeders should run to an automatic change-over switch situated in or adjacent to the control panel for the fire-detection system.
(3) The activation of any detector or manually operated call point should initiate a visual and audi-
ble fire signal at the control panel and indicating units. If the signals have not received atten- tion and subsequent action within thirty seconds, an audible alarm should be automatically sounded throughout the crew accommodation and service spaces, control stations and machinery spaces. This alarm sounder system need not be an integral part of the detection system.
(4) Indicating units should denote the section in which a detector or manually operated call point has operated. One unit should be located in the operating compartment.
(5) A section of fire detectors which covers the operating compartment, a service space or an ac- commodation space, should not include any other fire hazard area. Detectors should be operated
by heat, smoke or other products of combustion, flame, or any combination of these factors.
Flame detectors should only be used in addition to smoke or heat detectors.
(6) Fire detection system is to comply with the following provisions:
(A) a loop should not be damaged at more than one point by a fire.
(B) means are to be provided to ensure that any fault (e.g., power break, short circuit, earth) occurring in the loop should render the whole loop ineffective.
(C) arrangements are to be made to enable the initial configuration of the system to be restored
in the event of failure in electrical, electronic or informatic systems.
(D) the first initiated fire alarm should not prevent initiation of further fire detector.
2. Fire detection system installed in the WIG ship is to be in compliance with sions:
(1) Manually operated call points should be installed at each exit of all spaces at intervals of no more than 20 m.
alarms by any other
the following provi- and in each corridor
(2) Smoke detectors should be installed in all stairways, corridors and escape routes within accom-
modation spaces at intervals of not more than 20 m.
Guidance for WIG ships(Wing-In-Ground Effect Ships) 2012 41
(3) Positions where patterns of air flow could adversely affect performance and impact or physical damage are likely, should be avoided. In general, detectors which are located on deckheads or ceilings should be a minimum distance of 0.5 m away from bulkheads.
(4) The maximum spacing of detectors should be in accordance with the following table.
Type of detector | Maximum floor area per detector | Maximum distance apart between centres | Maximum distance away from bulkheads |
Heat | 37 mĪ | 9 m | 4.5 m |
Smoke | 74 mĪ | 11 m | 5.5 m |
(5) Electrical wiring which forms part of the fire detection system should be so arranged as to avoid any enclosed spaces of fire hazard except, where it is necessary, to provide for fire de- tection or fire alarm in such spaces or to connect to the appropriate power supply.
104. Fire-detection system for machinery space
1. Except where the effectiveness is demonstrated, detection system using only thermal detectors should not be permitted. After installation, the system should be tested under varying conditions of engine operation and ventilation.
2. Nevertheless the requirements of Para 1, where the machinery space of a WIG ship contains only main propulsion engines and remote monitoring system(e.g., CCTV) are provided to monitor such a machinery space, fire-detection system may not provided for the machinery space.
105. General requirement of fire extinguishers
1. Each WIG ship is to be provided with the necessary number of portable fire extinguishers accord- ing to 106.
2. For a WIG ship of a maximum takeoff weight of 5,670 kg or more, fixed fire extinguishers, which are able to be controlled in control station, are to be installed in fire hazard areas except crew ac- commodation, service space and passenger compartments. A main machinery space located outside of watertight areas and weathertight compartments of WIG ship is regarded as a fire hazard area.
106. Arrangement of portable fire extinguisher
Portable fire extinguisher provided in WIG ship is to be in compliance with the following provi- sions:
1. There is to be at least one portable fire extinguisher available in the pilot compartment that is lo- cated within easy access of the pilot while seated. However, where the pilot compartment and pas- senger compartment are not divided, sufficient capacity and number of portable fire extinguisher which are enough to extinguish a fire in pilot compartment and passenger compartment are to be provided.
2. There is to be at least one portable fire extinguisher located conveniently in the passenger compart- ment of each WIG ship accommodating more than 6 passengers. Total number of portable fire ex- tinguisher does not need to be in excess of number of enclosed spaces but is to be at least two.
3. The type and quality of each extinguishing medium used for portable fire extinguishers should be appropriate to the kinds of fire likely to occur where that medium is to be used. Each extinguisher for use in a personnel compartment should be designed to minimize the hazard of toxic gas concentrations.
107. Fixed gas fire-extinguishing system
1. For gas quantity
fire-extinguishing systems for enclosed machinery spaces and cargo spaces in the ship, the of gas should be sufficient to provide two independent discharges and automatic release of
42 Guidance for WIG ships(Wing-In-Ground Effect Ships) 2012
fire-extinguishing medium is not to be permitted.
2. The fixed fire-extinguishing systems should comply with the following provisions:
(1) The use of a fire-extinguishing medium which will adversely affect the earth’s ozone layer and/or gives off toxic gases in such quantities as to endanger persons is not permitted.
(2) The necessary pipes for conveying fire-extinguishing medium into protected spaces should be provided with control valves so marked as to indicate clearly the spaces to which the pipes are led. Non-return valves should be installed in discharge lines between cylinders and manifolds.
Suitable provision should be made to prevent inadvertent admission of the medium to any space.
(3) The piping for the distribution of fire-extinguishing medium should be arranged and discharge nozzles so positioned that a uniform distribution of medium is obtained.
(4) Means should be provided to close all openings which may admit air to, or allow gas to escape
from, a protected space except machinery space for air-cooled engine of natural ventilation system.
(5) Where the volume of free air contained in air receivers in any space is such that, if released in
such space in the event of fire, such release of air within that space would seriously affect the efficiency of the fixed fire-extinguishing system, an additional quantity of fire-extinguishing me- dium is to be provided.
(6) Means should be provided for automatically giving audible warning of the release of fire-ex- tinguishing medium into any space in which personnel normally work or to which they have access. The alarm should operate for a suitable period before the medium is released.
(7) The means of control of any fixed gas fire-extinguishing system is to be arranged in the operat- ing compartment and there should be clear instructions relating to the operation of the system, having regard to the safety of personnel.
(8) Means should be provided for the crew to safely check the quantity of medium in the containers.
(9) Containers for the storage of fire-extinguishing medium and associated pressure components
should be designed having regard to their locations and maximum ambient temperatures expected in service.
(10) When the fire-extinguishing medium is stored outside a protected space, it should be stored in
a room which should be situated in a safe and readily accessible position and should be effec- tively ventilated. Access doors should open outwards, and bulkheads and decks including doors and other means of closing any opening therein, which form the boundaries between such rooms and adjoining enclosed spaces, should be gas tight.
3. In addition to Para 2, the followings should be met for carbon dioxide system:
(1) For machinery spaces, the quantity of carbon dioxide carried should be sufficient to give a min- imum volume of free gas equal to the larger of the following volumes:
(A) 40 % of the gross volume of the largest protected machinery space.
(B) The volume to exclude that part of the casing above the level at which the horizontal area
of the casing is 40 % or less of the horizontal area of the space concerned taken midway between the tank top and the lowest part of the casing.
(C) 35 % of the gross volume of the largest machinery space protected, including the casing.
(2) For the purpose of this paragraph the volume of free carbon dioxide should be calculated at
0.56 mĮÕkg.
(3) For machinery spaces, the fixed piping system should be such that 85% of the gas can be dis-
charged into the space within 2 min.
(4) Two separate controls should be provided for releasing carbon dioxide into a protected space and to ensure the activation of the alarm. One control should be used to discharge the gas from its storage containers. A second control should be used for opening the valve of the piping which conveys the gas into the protected spaces if the CO2 protects more than one space.
108. Fire control plans
For a WIG ship of a maximum takeoff weight of 5,670 kg or more, fire control plans showing the following locations are to be displayed at each deck. The text of such plans should be in Korean and English.
1. The control stations
2. Compartments of the WIG ship which are enclosed by fire-resisting division with following equip-
Guidance for WIG ships(Wing-In-Ground Effect Ships) 2012 43
ment and system:
(1) Fire detection system including alarm system
(2) The fixed and portable fire-extinguishing appliances
(3) The means of access to the various compartments and decks
(4) Ventilating system including particulars of the master fan controls, the positions of dampers and identification numbers of the ventilating fans serving each section.
3. The location of the international shore connection, if fitted, control.
and the position of all means of
109. Lavatory fire protection
For WIG ships with a passenger capacity of 20 or more, each lavatory is to be equipped with a smoke detector system or equivalent that provides a warning light in the control station, or pro- vides a warning light or audible warning in the passenger compartment that would be readily de- tected by a flight attendant and each lavatory is to be equipped with a fixed fire extinguisher for each disposal receptacle for towels, paper, or waste, located within the lavatory. The extinguisher is to be designed to discharge automatically into each disposal receptacle upon occurrence of a fire in that receptacle.
110. Provision for passenger WIG ship
1. The operating compartment, stowage positions of life-saving appliances, escape routes and places of embarkation into survival craft are not to be located adjacent to any fire hazard areas.
2. The ventilation fans of each zone in the accommodation spaces should also be capable of being in- dependently controlled from the operating compartment.
3. For the passenger WIG ship, the following number of portable fire extinguishers should be con- veniently located and evenly distributed in passenger compartments in addition to portable fire ex- tinguishers provided according to 106.
Passenger capacity | Number of extinguishers |
13 to 30 31 to 60 61 to 200 201 to 300 301 to 400 401 to 500 501 to 600 601 to 700 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
4. Fire fighting appliances in compliance with the followings are to be provided:
(1) Fire fighting appliances are to be provided in machinery spaces except sections such as the combustor, turbine and tailpipe, of which flames are able to be controlled.
(2) The fire-extinguishing system for a nacelle should be able to simultaneously protect each com- partment of the nacelle for which protection is provided.
5. Fire-extinguishing mediums for fixed fire-extinguishing systems should have thermal stability over the temperature range likely to be experienced in the compartment in which they are stored. If any toxic extinguishing medium is used, provisions should be made to prevent harmful or fluid vapors from entering any passenger compartment or personnel compartment except for fixed carbon dioxide fire-extinguishing systems for following cases.
(1) 2.26 kg(5 lb) or less of carbon dioxide will be discharged, under established fire control proce- dures, into any ship compartment
(2) Protective breathing equipment is available for each ship crew member in charge of navigational watch.
6. Each extinguishing medium container should have a pressure relief to prevent bursting of the con- tainer by excessive internal pressures. The discharge end of each discharge line from a pressure re-
44 Guidance for WIG ships(Wing-In-Ground Effect Ships) 2012
lief connection should be located so that discharge of the fire-extinguishing medium would not damage the WIG ship. The pipe line should also be located or protected to prevent clogging caused by ice or other foreign matter.
7. A means should be provided for each fire-extinguishing medium container to indicate that the con- tainer has discharged or that the charging pressure is below the established minimum necessary for proper functioning. The temperature of each container should be maintained, under intended operat- ing conditions, to keep appropriate pressure. If a pyrotechnic capsule is used to discharge the ex- tinguishing medium, each container should be installed so that temperature conditions will not cause hazardous deterioration of the pyrotechnic capsule.
8. No material in any fire-extinguishing system may react chemically with any extinguishing medium so as to create a hazard.
111. Provision for general WIG ship
1. The operating compartment, stowage positions of life-saving appliances, escape routes and places of embarkation into survival craft is to be located adjacent to crew accommodation and service space.
2. Cargo spaces are to comply with the following provisions:
(1) Cargo spaces, except open deck areas or refrigerated holds, should be provided with an ap- proved automatic smoke-detection system complying with 103. to indicate at the control station the location of outbreak of a fire in all normal operating conditions of the installations and should be protected by an approved fixed quick-acting fire-extinguishing system complying with
107. readily operable from the control station.
(2) For cargo spaces, the quantity of carbon dioxide available is to be sufficient to give a mini- mum volume of free gas equal to 30 % of the gross volume of the largest cargo space so pro-
tected in the craft.
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