Iranian Classification Society Rules

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Pt. 6 of the Rules for the Classification

2. The dock is to have at least two water ballast pumps driven by each independent power. The ar- rangements for de-ballasting are to be such that in case of failure to the one pump an alternative pumping is available for each ballast tank.

6103. Electrical equipment

1. Electrical equipment to be installed in the manner of minimizing the risks due to electrical cause such as electric shocks, fires etc. on reference to the requirements of "the Rules for Classification of Steel Ships''.

2. Electrical machinery and cables are to be those conformed to an applicable standards accepted by the Society, and suitable to be used safely and effectively under the conditions of the environment where they are installed.

3. Electric circuits are to be protected against accidental over currents including short circuit. These protecting devices are to be capable of breaking a fault circuit, eliminating the expansion of the

faults and the hazards of fire and securing to serve electric power to essential driving

lights, internal communications and alarm devices.


6200. Indicator system

Deflection meters or acceptable alternatives, tank level, draught, and trim indicators are to be pro- vided to enable the operation of the dock to be proper1y controlled. image
