Iranian Classification Society Rules

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Section 3 Provisions for Deep Tanks

301. Limber and Air Holes

In deep tanks, suitable limber and air holes are to be cut in the members to ensure that water or air does not remain stagnated in any part of the tanks.

302. Cofferdams, etc.

1. Oiltight cofferdams are to be provided between tanks for carrying oils and those for carrying fresh water such as that for living use, boiler feed water, etc., which may cause any trouble when oil mixes therein.

2. Crew spaces and passenger spaces are not to be directly adjacent to the tanks for carriage of fuel oil. Such compartments are to be separated from fuel oil tanks by cofferdams which are well venti- lated and accessible. Where the top of fuel oil tanks has no opening and is coated by in- combustible coverings of 38 mm and over in thickness, the cofferdam between such compartments and the top of fuel oil tanks may be omitted.

3. Sparring or lining is to be provided in the hold side of bulkhead dividing deep oil tanks from car- go holds, leaving suitable clearance between the bulkhead and the sparring or lining. Gutterways are to be provided along the bulkhead.

4. Where the oiltank boundaries are bonded by mattingin connections in way of the parts required oil- tight, the sparring or lining specified in the preceding 3 may be omitted, except where specially required.

303. Compliance of Regulations

Oil·deep tanks are to be in accordance with the requirements in Ch 9, 601. 4. image
