Iranian Classification Society Rules

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Section 3 Barges Intended to be classified as Smooth Water Service

301. Application

The requirements in this section are applicable to the barges intended to be classified as smooth water service.

302. Reduction of scantlings of members

1. The scantlings of structural members may be reduced by the ratios given in Table 23.1 in relation to the requirements in the relevant chapters, however, in no case are to be less than minimum scantlings given in Table 23.1.

2. Reduction of scantlings of other members than given in Table 23.1 is to be in accordance with the discretion of the Society .

3. In no case the scantlings of structural members such as deck beams Supporting roads, inner bottom platings and inner bottom longitudinals supporting heavy loads and members of deep tanks are to be less than obtained from the requirements in relevant chapters, irrespective of the requirements in Par 1 and 2.

303. Height of hatchway coamings, etc.

Height of hatchway coamings, sills of doors, etc. is not to be less than the heights specified in

Table 23.2.


Table 23.2 Height of hatchway coamings, sills of doors, etc. (mm)



General hatch- ways

Small hatchways (Area of hatchways ways 1.5 m2 and under)


Doors of su- perstructure end bulkhead














304. Hatch covers

1. The hatch covers may be of shelter type.

2. The thickness

3. Stiffeners are

of steel hatch cover, on which cargoes are not carried, may be 4.5 mm.


provided at suitable intervals in the steel hatch covers, and the section modulus of


stiffeners, on which cargoes are not carried, may be obtained from the formula in Ch 17, 301. 2

taking Ǽ as 1.7.

305. Equipment

1. Equipment given in Table 19.1 (1) may be provided by reducing one rank according to their equipment numbers obtained from the formula in Ch 19.

2. The mass of one of the two anchors is to be of the mass specified in Par 1 and another may be reduced to 85 % of the mass specified in Par 1. However, in unmanned barges, the number of an- chors may be one of the mass specified in Par 1.

3. For unmanned barges

which are not engaged in the international voyage, the requirements for

equipment specified in Ch 19 may be omitted at the request of owner when considered appropriate by the Society. See Guidance

306. Air pipes

Where air pipes extend above the exposed parts of the freeboard decks, the height between deck and open end and the closing means at open end are to be in accordance with the discretion of the Society.

307. Bilge discharge systems

In bilge discharge systems, the number of two bilge suction pumps specified in Ch 20, 407. 2


may be reduced to one. image
