Iranian Classification Society Rules

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Section 2 Centre Keelsons

201. Arrangements and construction

All single bottom barges are to have centre keelson composed of web plates and face plates and the centre keelsons are to extend as far forward and afterward as practicable.

202. Web plates

1. The thickness of web plates is not to be less than obtained from the following formula. Beyond the midship part, the thickness may be gradually reduced and it may be 0.85 times the midship value at the ends of the barge.


2. The height of web plates is not to be less than that off floors.

203. Face plates

1. The thickness of face plates is not to be less than that of web p1ate amidships and the face plates are to extend from the collision bulkhead to the after peak bulkhead.

2. The sectional area of face plates is not to be less than obtained from the following formula.

Beyond the midship part, the sectional area may be gradually reduced and it may be 0.85 times the midship value at the ends of the barge.

A Ņ LǾĴ Ã Ñ Ķ (cm2)

3. The breadth of face plates 1s not to be less than obtained from the following formula :

ᾎ Ņ ĪǾĮ Ã Ñ ÌĴL (mm)

4. Where the pillars are provided above the face plates, the sectional area of face plates is to be in- creased or the face plates are to be suitably strengthened by other means.
