Iranian Classification Society Rules

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Section 9 Construction of Strengthened Bottom Forward

901. Application

The requirements in this section are to be applied to barges having the bow draught less than 0.037Ã at the ballast condition.

902. Construction

1. Between the collision bulkhead and 0.2Ã abaft the fore end, side girders or half-height girders are to be provided in accordance with the requirements in Table 8.3. Where transverse framing is adopted, however, the half-height girders may be provided between the collision bulkhead and 0.175

à abaft the fore end.


Table 8.3 Construction of strengthened bottom forward

Double Members bottom Side

Side girders

Half-height girders or longitudinals shell stiffeners

Solid floors

Transverse framing

Transverse framing

To be provided at interval within 2.5 m

To be provided between side girders

To be provided at every frame

Longitudinal framing

To be provided at inter- vals within 2.5 m

Transverse framing


To be provided at alter- nate frames

Longitudinal framing

To be provided at inter- vals within 2.5 m

2. Between the collision bulkhead and 0.15Ã abaft the fore end, solid floors are to be provided in ac- cordance with the requirements in Table 8.3.

3. In barges having the bow draught more than 0.025Ã and less than 0.037Ã

of which structural arrangement of strengthened bottom forward is difficult

at the ballast condition, to comply with the re-


quirements, floor plates and side girders which speed is specially small compared ments may be suitably modified. image

are to be reinforced properly. However, for barges of with à at the towed or pushed condition, this require-
