Iranian Classification Society Rules

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Section 6 Frames in Both Peaks

601. Transverse frames in fore peaks

The section modulus of transverse frames below the freeboard deck forward of the collision bulk- head is not to be less than obtained from the following formula, but in no case is it to be less than 30 cm3.

Ě Ņ K ĊᾜᾨĪ (cm3)


S = Spacing of frames (m)

l = Distance between the supports of transverses (m), but not to be less than 2 m

h = Vertical distance (m) from the midpoint of l

to a point of 0.12Ã above the top of keel.

Wherever, the value is less than 0.06Ã , it is to be taken as 0.06Ã

602. Longitudinal frames in fore peaks

The section modulus of longitudinal frames below the freeboard deck forward of the collision bulk- head is not to be less than obtained from the following formula. However, the section modulus ob- tained from the formula is to be increased by 25% between 0.15Á and 0.05Á from the top of keel and 50 % below 0.05Á from the top of keel.

Ě Ņ K ĊᾜᾨĪ (cm3)


S , l = As specified in 401.

h = Vertical distance (m) from the longitudinals to a point of 0.12Ã above the top of keel (m), where, however, the value is less than 0.06Ã , it is to betaken as 0.06Ã

603. Transverse frames in after peaks

The section modules of transverse frames below the freeboard deck abaft after peak bulkhead is not to be less than obtained from the following formula, but in no case is it to be less than 30 cm3.

Ě Ņ K ĊᾜᾨĪ (cm3) where:

S = Spacing of frames (m)

l = As specified in Table 9.1, where, however, the value is less than 2 m, it is to be taken as 2m

h = Vertical distance (m) from the midpoint of l

to a point specified in the following

30 m P Ã 90 m

90 m P Ã

: ᾘ Ñ LǾLĨĨ Ã Ň LǾJĨ (above top of keel)

: Ñ LǾLĮK Ã (above top of keel) image
