Iranian Classification Society Rules

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Section 3 Access Openings in Superstructure End Bulkheads

301. Closing means for access openings

1. The doors to be provided on the access openings in the end bulkheads enclosed superstructures and deck-houses protecting companion ways giving access to the space under the freeboard deck or space in the enclosed superstructure are to be in accordance with the requirements in (1) through (5):

(1) The doors are to be made of steel or other equivalent materials and to be permanently and rig- idly fitted up to the bulkheads.

(2) The

doors are to be rigidly constructed, to be of equivalent strength to that of intact bulkhead

and to be weathertight when closed.

(3) The means for securing weather tightness are to consist of gaskets and clamping devices or oth- er equivalent devices and to be permanently fitted up to the bulkhead or the door it self.

(4) The doors are to be operated from the both sides to the bulkheads.

(5) Hinged doors are, as a rule, to open outward.

2. The height of sills of access openings specified in Par 1 is not to be less than 380 mm above the

upper surface the Society. image

of the deck except where higher sills may be required when deemed necessary by
