Iranian Classification Society Rules

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Section 2 Bulwarks and Guardrails

201. General See Guidance

Efficient guardrails or bulwarks are to be provided on all exposed parts of the freeboard and super- structure deck and the top of similar deckhouses.

202. Dimensions

The height of bulwarks or guardrails specified in 201. is to be at least 1 m from the upper surface of deck. However, a less height than this may be accepted where this height would interfere with the normal operation of the barge, provided that other adequate protection means are provided to the satisfaction of the Society.

203. Construction of bulwarks

1. The bulwarks are to be strongly constructed and effectively stiffened on their upper edge.

2. The thickness of bulwarks on the freeboard decks is not to be less than 6 mm.

3. Bulwarks

are to be supported by strong stays attached to deck in way of the beams and spaced

not more than 1.8 m apart on freeboard deck.

4. Bulwarks

on the decks which are designed to carry timber deck cargoes are to be supported by

specially strong stays spaced not more than 1.5 m apart.