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Section 1 Classification Registry

101. General

1. Where submersible classed with the Society have satisfactorily undergone the periodical survey, the Certificate of Classification for Submersible is issued or endorsed by this Society and that certifi- cate is to be kept on board ship.

2. The ship is required to carry a submersible log book in which are entered detailed operations re- pairs etc. The log book is to be submitted to the surveyor on request.

3. Submersible which are not to be classified by this Society but which are constructed in accordance

with this Rule and under survey of Society.

this Society may be issued an appropriate certificate from this

102. Class notations

The class notations assigned to the submersible classed with the Society are to be in accordance with the Pt 1, Ch 1, Sec 2 of Rules for the Classification of Steel Ships.

103. Maintenance of registration

1. Periodical Surveys on installations or equipment registered by the Society to maintain their registra- tion are to comply with the requirements specified by the Society. The application for survey is to be made by the Owners or managers in substitute for the Owners.

2. If a diving system has suffered damage affecting its class or if such damage may be assumed, it is to be informed to the Society and those are to be surveyed before the systems begin operation