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Section 1 Registry

101. General

1. The requirements of this Chapter apply to the unmanned Remote - Operated Vehicles which are permanently installed or installed a limited period as required by the operating condition on ship or similar floating structure.

2. Design differing from this rule of Construction may be permitted provided their suitability has been verified by the Society and they have been recognized as equivalent.

3. ROV's system and parts, thereof whose development is based on new principles and which have not yet been sufficiently tested in practical operation require special approval by the Society.

102. Definition

For the purpose of this Rule, the items used have the meaning designed in the followings expressly provided otherwise.

1. Remote-operated Vehicles (ROV's)

Unmanned Vehicle capable of operating under water with remote control.

2. Launch and recovery system

The lifting equipment necessary for raising, lowering and transporting the ROV's


3. Dive Control Station

Control room provided with all the remote control system of the ROV's.

4. Pressure vessel

Vessel subjected to an internal or external working pressure of 1 bar or more.

5. Total system

ROV including its control, launching, recovery, working and supply systems.

6. Maximum diving depth

A maximum diving depth where the ROV's can be operated safety is measured from ROV's bottom to the surface water.

7. Maximum permissible diving pressure

A maximum permissible diving pressure is under maximum diving depth.

8. Umbilical

Kink between the supporting ship and the ROV which can contain monitoring, communications and power supply cables as well as tether

9. Garage

Cage in which the ROV can be launched and recovered, e.g. from the surface vessel, and from which the ROV can travel under water to the work site.

10. Clamping devices

Equipment for securing a ROV, e.g. to a structure.

103. Notations

1. The notation ROV's assigned with the Society are to be in accordance with Pt 1, Ch 1, Sec 2 of

Rules for the Classification of Steel Ships and followings.

Pt 2 Underwater Equipments

Ch 1 Remote-Operated Vehicles (ROVs) Pt 2, Ch 1



In case

: For ROVs built under the supervision of the Society.

: For ROVs considered to be fit as the result of surveys by the Surveyor after construction

of an application of ROVs control station or Launching and recovery system, the notation

may be added.

2. When ROV's systems and their parts thereof whose new development is based on other principle, the relevant rules shall be applied.

104. Certification

ROV's which comply with the requirement of the Rules and have been built under the Surveyor to the Society will be issued an appropriate certificate.

105. Maintenance of registration

1. Periodical Surveys on installations or equipment registered by the Society to maintain their registra- tion are to comply with the requirements specified by the Society.

2. If ROV's have suffered damage affecting their class or if such damage may be assumed, they are to be informed to the Society before the systems begin operation.