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Section 1 General

101. Application and Descriptions

1. The Submersibles engaged in coastal area and carrying passengers (hereafter referred to as "Tourist Submersibles"), in spite of the Rules for the Classification of "Underwater Vehicles" , where these requirements of the Guidances are complied with, may be considered that as satisfied with the re- quirements of the Rules.

2. Despite of the above 1 the requirements specified in Pt 1, Ch 5 (Pressure Hull) and Ch 9 (Piping system, Pumps and Compressors) of the Rules shall be complied with.

3. Definitions used shall be according to Pt 1, Ch 1, 102. Tests and Marking for all apparatus fitted in the tourist submersibles shall comply with the relevant requirements of Pt 1, Ch 1, Sec 3 and Sec 4.

102. Documents and drawings for approval

1. For the tourist submersibles requiring classification survey during construction, three copies of the following documents and drawings are to be submitted to be approved by this Society.

(1) Midship Section

(2) Pressure Hull Construction

(3) Buoy tank construction

(4) Construction and arrangement for external pressure windows, covers, penetrated attachments to pressure hull and shaft bearings, pipings, valves, discharging pumps, cables, etc.,

(5) Construction and arrangements for evacuation system

(6) Arrangement and system for launch and recovery equipments

(7) Construction and arrangement for maneuvering devices

(8) Construction and arrangement for outfittings such as balancing chains, emergency drop weights, Transmission Cables, Distress signal Buoy, etc.,

(9) Construction and arrangement for pressure vessels and high pressure air pipes

(10) Piping system including ballasting and trimming

(11) Arrangements for Engine room and Battery room

(12) Shafting arrangement

(13) Wiring diagram for power system

(14) Investigation Table for electric load analysis


Manufacturing guides for Pressure hull (Workmanship method, allowable limitation, Inspection

standards, etc)

(16) Diagram for life support system and performance test method

(17) Fire protection construction and Fire fighting arrangements

(18) Lighting arrangements

(19) Other drawings if needed by the Society

2. Three copies of the following drawing and documents shall be submitted for reference.

(1) Specification

(2) Lines

(3) General arrangements

(4) Hydrostatic curves

(5) Weight balancing trim calculation

(6) Stability calculation

(7) STable voyage calculation during diving (Maximum persons on board)

(8) Strength calculation for pressure hull

(9) Strength, Stability and Buoy speed calculation for pressure life saving apparatus to evacuate per- sons on board

(10) Calculation of high pressure air volume for buoy

(11) Calculation of capacity for life support system

(12) Plan for Sea trial

(13) Other drawings and documents if needed by the Society


Guidance Relating to the Rules for the Classification of Underwater Vehicles 2015 39

Pt 3 Tourist Submersibles


Ch 1 Tourist Submersibles Pt 3, Ch 1


Voyage condition

1. The tourist submersibles, in any case, shall not go under water more than maximum submerging depth and time.

2. The tourist submersibles shall make a voyage on the performance allowable limit according to the operational instructions specified in 104. and while driving, it shall go on subject to having little of pre-buoy and trim.

104. Operational Instructions

At first, the owner of tourist submersible requiring classification survey, for the purpose of safety, shall make out the operational instructions specified in the following items and send off it to the Master on board. And then the copy shall be submitted to the Society.

1. Maximum diving depth and time

2. Maximum speed during diving

3. Trim limitation during diving

4. Emergency stop during diving

5. Pressure hull's compression variety derived from sea water's specific gravity and driving depth, and Buoy's variety derived from difference of water temperature, etc.

6. Caution about operation and maintenance of apparatus for diving and buoyancy

7. Caution about operation and maintenance of apparatus for emergency buoyancy

8. For equipments intended for evacuating during diving, caution about operation and maintenance of the equipments

9. Charging guide of battery and an allowable limitation

10. Caution about operation and maintenance of life support system

11. For breathing air in pressure hull, standard quantities of oxygen and carbon dioxides and those al- lowable limitation

12. Others if needed by the Society

105. Obligation to report

In an abnormal condition occurred during diving or buoying, the owner or master is required to re- port the matters to this Society immediately.

106. Equivalent

Where tourist submersibles are designed not to be complied with these Rules or manufactured by

new technology but not may be required to send

reviewed fully about the special performance, the special data and tests off to the Society.


40 Guidance Relating to the Rules for the Classification of Underwater Vehicles 2015

Pt 3 Tourist Submersibles

Ch 1 Tourist Submersibles Pt 3, Ch 1
