Iranian Classification Society Rules

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3. Electrical equipment located in hazardous locations that is not intended to be used during oil recovery operations and does not meet 1. may be permitted, provided the location is consid- ered hazardous only during oil recovery operations and the arrangements meet the following requirements.

(1) The electrical equipment is to be considered nonessential and is not to be used during oil re- covery operations.

(2) A detailed list of such equipment in each hazardous area is to be submitted for review.

(3) The electrical equipment as submitted for review in item ii) above is to be arranged so that it cannot be energized when any oil recovery equipment is energized. Once deener gized, specific action by the crew is to be required to reenergize the equipment. Instruction plates are to be

placed at the respective switches.

(A) The systems that are deenergized during oil recovery operations and the to be followed.

(B) The instructions and procedures to be followed relative to the cleaning and gas

the oil recovery tanks in order to reset the electrical equipment to its original oil recovery operations are completed.


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