Iranian Classification Society Rules

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Section 1 Inclining Test

101. General

1. An inclining test should be required for the first unit of a design, when the unit is as near to completion as possible, to determine accurately the light ship data (weight and position of centre of gravity).

2. For successive units which are identical by design, the light ship data of the first unit of the series may be accepted by the Society in lieu of an inclining test, provided the difference in light ship displacement or position of centre of gravity due to weight changes for minor differences in machi- nery, outfitting or equipment, confirmed by the results of a lightweight survey, is less than 1% of the values of the light ship displacement and principal horizontal dimensions as determined for the first of the series. Extra care should be given to the detailed weight calculation and comparison with the original unit of a series of column-stabilized, semisubmersible types as these, even though identical by design, are recognized as being unlikely to attain an acceptable similarity of weight or centre of gravity to warrant a waiver of the inclining test.

3. The results of the inclining test, or those of the lightweight survey together with the inclining test results for the first unit should be indicated in the operating manual.

4. A record of all changes to machinery, structure, outfitting and equipment that affect the light ship data should be maintained in a light ship data alterations log and be taken into account in daily operations.

5. For column-stabilized units:

(1) A lightweight survey or inclining test should be conducted at the first renewal survey. If a lightweight survey is conducted and it indicates a change from the calculated light ship dis- placement in excess of 1% of the operating displacement, an inclining test should be conducted, or the difference in weight should be placed in an indisputably conservative vertical centre of gravity and approved by the Society.

(2) If the survey or test at the first renewal survey demonstrated that the unit was maintaining an effective weight control programme, and at succeeding renewal surveys this is confirmed by the records under Par 4, light ship displacement may be verified in operation by comparison of the calculated and observed draught. Where the difference between the expected displacement and the actual displacement based upon draught readings exceed 1% of the operating displacement, a lightweight survey should be completed in accordance with paragraph (1).

6. The inclining test or lightweight survey should be carried out in the presence of the Surveyor.