Iranian Classification Society Rules

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(5) the fire fighting systems equipment as given in 402. are to be provided and so arranged as to adequately protect both the helicopter deck and fuel storage areas.

402. Helicopter decks and refueling facilities

1. Hoses and nozzles : at least two approved combination nozzle and applicators and hoses sufficient in length to reach any part of the helicopter deck are to be provided.

2. Portable extinguishers : at least two dry powder extinguishers of a total capacity of not less than 45 kg, but not less than 9 kg each, are to be provided.


Back-up fire fighting system : A back-up fire fighting system is to be provided, consisting of CO2 extinguishers of a total capacity of not less than 18 kg or equivalent, one of these extinguishers be-

ing so equipped as to enable it to reach the engine area of any helicopter using the deck. The back- up system is to be located so that the equipment would not be vulnerable to the same dam- ages as the primary extinguishing system.

Fixed foam system :


(1) A suitable foam application system, consisting of monitors or foam making branch pipes capa- ble of delivering foam solution at a rate of not less than 6.0 •ÕmĪ -min (4.1 •ÕmĪ -m in for

Aqueous Film Forming Foam or Film-Forming Fluoroprotein Foam) of the areas protected(the area of a circle of diameter “D” where “D” is the distance across the main rotor and tail rotor in the fore and aft line of a helicopter) for at least 5 minutes, is to be provided.

(2) Foam delivery at the minimum application rate is to start within 30 s of system activation. The operation of the foam system is not to interfere with simultaneous operation of the fire main.

(3) The principal agent shall be suitable for use with salt water and conform to performance stand- ards not inferior to those acceptable to the IMO Organization(Refer to the International Civil Aviation Organization Airport Services Manual, part 1, Rescue and Fire Fighting, chapter 8,

Extinguishing Agent Characteristics, paragraph 8.1.5, Foam Specifications table 8-1, level ‘B’).

In addition to the requirement of 308., two fire-fighter’s outfits; and

5. At least the following equipment is to be stored in a manner that provides for immediate use and

6. protection from the elements:

- adjustable wrench;

- blanket, fire resistant;

- cutters, bolt 60 cm;

- hook, grab or salving;

- hacksaw, heavy duty complete with 6 spare blades;

- ladder;

- lift line 5 mm diameter × 15 m in length;

- pliers, side cutting;

- set of assorted screwdrivers; and

- harness knife complete with sheath.

- crowbar

7. Drainage facilities in way of helidecks

shall be constructed of steel and shall lead directly over-

board independent of any part of the ship.

any other system

and shall be designed so that drainage does not fall onto


8. Where the unit has helicopter refuelling, the following provisions should be complied with:

(1) A designated area shall be provided for the storage of fuel tanks which are to be:

(A) as remote as is practicable from accommodation spaces, escape routes and embarkation sta- tions; and

(B) isolated from areas containing a source of vapour ignition;

(2) The fuel storage area is to be provided with arrangements whereby fuel spillage may be collected and drained to a safe location;

(3) Tanks and associated equipment are to be protected against physical damage and from a fire in an adjacent space or area;

(4) Vent heads of an approved type with flame arrestors are to be fitted to vent pipes.

(5) Where portable fuel storage tanks are used, special attention shall be given to:

(A) design of the tank for its intended purpose;

(B) mounting and securing arrangements;

(C) electric bonding; and

(D) inspection procedures;

(6) Storage tank fuel pumps are to be provided with means which permit shutdown from a safe re- mote location in the event of a fire. Where a gravity fuelling system is installed, equivalent closing arrangements are to be provided to isolate the fuel source;

(7) The fuel pumping unit is to be connected to one tank at a time. The piping between the tank and the pumping unit is to be of steel or equivalent material, as short as possible, and pro- tected against damage;

(8) Electrical fuel pumping units and associated control equipment are to be of a type suitable for the location and potential hazards;

(9) Fuel pumping units are to incorporate a device which will prevent over-pressurization of the de-

livery or filling hose;

(10) Equipment used in refuelling operations is be electrically bonded;

(11) "NO SMOKING" signs are to be displayed at appropriate locations.

403. Alarm systems

In areas of helicopter facilities, a manual fire alarm is to be provided at each of two spots prop- erly separated each other.