Iranian Classification Society Rules

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2. Corrosion Resistant Steel is to be graded and approved its manufacturing process in accord- ance with Ch 2, Sec 2-1 of this Guidance.

3. For each corrosion designation, Corrosion resistant steel shall be verified by the corrosion test- ing specified in this Sec..

4. The Surveyor is to be present, as a rule, when the test samples for the approval test are be- ing identified and for approval tests.

3202. Data to be submitted

The following approval data are to be submitted to the Society in addition to those specified in 102.

(1) Corrosion test plan and details of equipment and test environments. : 3 copies

(2) Technical data related to product assessment criteria for confirming corrosion resistance : 3 cop- ies

(3) The technical background explaining how the variation in added and controlled elements im- proves corrosion resistance(The manufacturer will establish a relationship of all the chemical ele- ments which affect the corrosion resistance, the chemical elements added or controlled to ach- ieve this are to be specifically verified for acceptance. Verification is to be based on the ladle analysis of the steel.) : 3 copies

(4) The grades, the brand name and maximum thickness of corrosion resistant steel to be approved.

Designations for corrosion resistant steels are given in Table 3.32.1 : 3 copies

Table 3.32.1 Designations for Corrosion Resistant Steels

Type of steel

Location where steel is effective

Corrosion Resistant Designation

Rolled steel for hull

For strength deck, ullage space


For inner bottom


For both strength deck and inner bottom plating