Iranian Classification Society Rules

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Section 3 Equipment Number

301. Equipment number

1. The equipment number is obtained from the following formula :

: molded displacement ( ) to the load line.

, : values specified in the following (1), (2), (3).

(1) is the value is obtained from the following formula :


: vertical distance (m ) at the midship from the load line to the top continuous deck beam at side.

of the uppermost

height (m ) from the uppermost continuous deck to the top of uppermost super- structures or deckhouses having a breadth greater than /4. In the calculation of

: sheer and trim may be ignored.

(2) is the value obtained from the following formula.


: as defined in previous (1).

: summing up of the products of the height ′ ′ and length (m ) of superstructures,

deckhouses or trunks which are located above the uppermost continuous deck with- in the length of yacht also have a breadth greater than /4 and a height greater than 1.5 m .

(3) In the application of (1) and (2), screens and bulwarks more than 1.5 metres in height are to be regarded as parts of superstructure or deckhouses.

302. Equipment reductions

The equipment is in general to be in accordance with the requirements given in Table 4.2.2, re- duced as per Table 4.2.1 in accordance with service restriction notation.


Table 4.2.1 Equipment Reductions for Service Restriction Notation

Class notation

Bower anchors

Stud-link chain cables

Number Mass change per anchor

Length change Diameter

SA0, SA1 SA2, SA3

Case 1



No reduction No reduction

No reduction

-30 %

No reduction No reducction

SA0, SA1 SA2, SA3

Case 2



No reduction

-30 %

+60 %

+60 %

No reduction No reduction


SA4 and SA5 may be specially considered.