Iranian Classification Society Rules

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Section 5 Anchor Chain Cables

501. General

1. Anchor chain cables are to comply with the Rules for Classification of Steel Ships, Pt 4, Ch 8.

2. Wire rope or synthetic fibre rope may be used instead of stud link chain cable, provided that they have at least the same breaking strength.

3. If ordinary, short link chain cable or wire rope is used instead of stud link chain cable, the same breaking strength will be required.

4. When chain cable is substituted by wire or synthetic fibre rope, a short length of chain cable is to be fitted between the anchor and wire rope. The length is to be the distance between anchor in stowed position and windlass, and not less than 0.2 m . However, shorter length may be consid-

5. ered on a case by case basis, provided that the weight of chain is not reduced.

Chain cables are to be stud link chains made by makers approved by the Society and in accord-

6. ance with recognized international standards.

For equipment number less than 90 the chain cable may be substituted by a synthetic fibre rope of non-buoyant material. A short length of chain, minimum 13.5 m , is then to be fitted between the

anchor and the rope.


Synthetic fibre ropes will be specially considered with respect to size, material and testing, and test

certificate are to be provided.


Synthetic fibre ropes are to be fitted with thimbles at both ends where appropriate. The ropes are

to be stored on drums protected from the weather and sea and suitably precautions are to be taken to reduce wear and tear.


For anchor chains the materials, testing, tolerances and identification are normally to be in accord-

ance with Pt 4, Ch 8, Sec 5 of Rules for the classification of Steel Ships. Anchor chain ca- bles made from stainless steel will be permitted provided the material strength is not less than for

10. For windlass and chain stoppers, general design, materials, testing, tolerances and identification are normally to be in accordance with Pt 5, Ch 8 of Rules for the classification of Steel Ships. Stainless steel material will be accepted for this equipment.