Iranian Classification Society Rules

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Section 3 Side Girders

301. Arrangement

1. Side girders in 0.5Ã amidships are to be so arranged that the distance from the centre girder to the first side girder, between girders or from the outermost girder to the Side shell plating does not exceed approximately 4.6 m.

2. In the strengthened bottom forward and beyond that of barges, side girders and half-height girders


are to be provided as required in 902.

302. Thickness of side girders

The thickness of side girder plates is not to be less than obtained from the following formula:

ᾼ Ņ LǾĴJ Ρ̓ÜÃ Ñ ÌǾJ (mm)

303. Thickness of half-height girders

The thickness of half-height girders is not to be less than obtained from the formula specified in


304. Scantlings of vertical stiffeners and struts

1. Vertical stiffeners are to be provided on side girders at every open floor, or at a suitable distance if the double bottom is framed longitudinally, and vertical struts are to be provided on half-height girders at every open floor.

2. The thickness of vertical stiffeners required by Par 1 is not to be less than that of a flat bar hav- ing the same thickness as that of the girder plates and having the depth not less than 0.08L (m), where L is height of side girder (m).

3. The sectional area of vertical struts required by Par 1 is not to be less than obtained from the formula in 503. with necessary modifications.

305. Lightening holes

Within 10 % of the length of a hold from its end bulk-heads, the diameter of lightening holes in the side girders is not to exceed one-third the depth of girders, this requirement may, however, be modified in a short hold and outside 0.75Ã amidships and where suitable compensation is made to the girder plate.