Iranian Classification Society Rules

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Section 4 Solid Floors

401. Arrangement

1. Solid floors are to be provided at a spacing not exceed-ing about 3.5 m.

2. In addition to complying with the requirements following locations:

(1) Under transverse bulkheads.

(2) At the location specified in 902., between strengthened bottom forward.

3. Watertight floors are to be so arranged that the sponds to that of the barge.

in Par 1, solid floors are to be provided at the

the collision bulkhead and the after end of the sub-division of the double bottom generally corre-

402. Thickness of solid floors

The thickness of solid floors is not to be less than obtained from the following formula:

Transverse framing: ᾼ Ņ LǾĴ Ρ̓ÜÃ Ñ ÌǾJ (mm) Longitudinal framing: ᾼ Ņ LǾK Ρ̓ÜÃ Ñ ÌǾJ (mm)

403. Vertical stiffeners

1. Vertical stiffeners are to be provided on the solid floors at a bottom framed transversely, and at every longitudinal in

suitable spacing in case of the double case of the double bottom framed



2. The vertical stiffeners prescribed in Par 1 is to be aflat bar having the same thickness as that of the floor plate and the depth not less than 0.08 L or the equivalent, where L is the depth of the floor at the point under consideration (mm).

404. Lightening holes

Within 0.lÆ from side shell plating, the diameter of lightening holes provided in the solid floors in the middle half length of a hold is not to exceed about one-fifth the depth of floors. This require- ment may, however, be suitably modified at the end parts of barge and in exceptionally short holds and where the solid floors are suitably compensated for.