Iranian Classification Society Rules

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Section 6 Inner Bottom Plating and Margin Plates

601. Thickness of inner bottom plating

The thickness of inner bottom plating is not to be less than obtained from the following formula:

ᾼ Ņ ĮǾK Ċ Ρ̓Üᾘ Ñ ÌǾJ (mm)


Ċ = Spacing of inner bottom longitudinals for longitudinally framed inner bottom plating, or spac- ing of floor plates for transversely frame dinner bottom plating (m)

602. Barge handling cargoes regularly by mechanical appliances such as grabs

In barges which regularly handle cargoes by grabs or similar mechanical appliances, the thickness of inner bottom plating is to be increased by 2.5 mm above that specified in 601., unless ceiling is provided.

603. Arrangements of margin plates

It is recommended that the margin plates are to be of sufficient height to protect the bottom up to the turn of bilge and for forward 0.2Ã from the stem the margin plates are to extend to the barge's sides horizontally as far as practicable.

604. Thickness of margin plates

The thickness of margin plates is to be increased by 1.5 mm above that obtained from the in 601.


605. Breadth of margin plates

Margin plates are to be of adequate breadth and to extend well inside from the line of frame end brackets.

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606. Brackets

1. Where the double bottom is framed longitudinally, brackets are to be transversely provided at every hold frame extending from the margin plate to the adjacent bottom and inner bottom longitudinals.

2. The thickness of brackets specified in Par 1 is not to be less than obtained from the formula in

205. 2.