Iranian Classification Society Rules

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Section 1 General

101. General

1. All barges, according to ropes, etc. which are not

their equipment numbers, are to be provided with anchors, less than given in Table 19.1.

chain cables,

2. Anchors, chain cables, ropes, etc. for barges having equipment numbers not more than than 3210 are to be in accordance with the discretion of the Society.

3. The tests and inspections for anchors, chain cables, wire ropes and fibre ropes, etc. compliance with the requirements in Pt 4, Ch 8 of the Rules.

50 and more are to be in

102. Unmanned barges Notwithstanding the requirements in


(1) The number of anchors may be

101., for the unmanned barges the following requirements are one of the unit mass in Table 19.1.

(2) The length of anchor chains may be half of length in Table 19.1.

(3) Except where specified in (1) and (2), the Table 19.1 is applied.