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Annex 2 Design and Construction for Submersible with GRP

1. Design principles of the submersible with GRP

Upon manufacturing process, besides the appropriate materials approved, it shall be considered for the product characteristics and the special action is to be taken about the most important compo- nents to be effected.

For preparation, manufacturing and storing of reinforcing media and a resin compound to be re-

acted, it shall be verified for the recognized.

manufacturing factory of materials or the other requirements

2. Workshops

The Submersibles with GRP shall Society. The workshop shall be in

be constructed at the workshops which is accepted by this accordance with the latest process, quality control and certifi-

cation, heat treatments, machine cutting, machine equipment to moulding, and maintained by an ex-

pert completing a proper training.

3. Requirements to workplace

3.1 General

(1) The place to product and store shall be provided with an appropriate construction and the envi- ronmental requirements, and it is to be separated from the other workplace or other material storages in order to prevent them from contaminating.

(2) The workplace and equipments shall be kept to maintain and clear so as to do the work effec-

tively, and it shall surely be isolated from what are unnecessary equipments, other materials, the remains of reinforced fiber, the remained glasswool after construction.

3.2 Workplace of moulding

(1) Hbean1d6lay-ourp apbroovcee,ssansdhawll hbeen clamrriendationugt aantdthceurpinlgac, ethwehteerme ptehreaturoreomoftethmepemraotulrdeinigs awlworakypslactoe is always to be 25 or above. If it is deemed by the surveyor as appropriate according to the requirements of work, it is accepTable to 0~2°C of allowance for the temperature.

(2) When other method is used for moulding, the working temperature of the place shall be de- termined by independently consulting with the Society.

(3) The humidity of the moulding workplace, as far as practicable, shall be the lowest, and then generally is to be 70 % or less. And it shall not be accepted that on moulding or materials there is the humidity changes to give rise to possibility of the moisture.

(4) The monitoring apparatus shall be provided to monitor the humidity and the temperature in the workplace, and be measured and recorded continuously them. And they shall be recalibrated at least biennially by the authorized organization recognized by the Society.

(5) The ventilation shall be made for a resin monomer not to dry too much, and it shall be able to discharge through the air vent.

(6) The lighting of workplace shall be provided appropriately. and the resin hardness shall be car- ried out at the place not to be exposed directly by sunlight or a direct artificial light.

(7) When there is a machine arising a dust, it shall not operate until completing the lay-up process

or the bonding. And in general these equipments shall be required to install at the place separated.

3.3 Storing place

(1) The resin liquids, according to the working requirements of the maker, shall be kept at the place to be ventilated and dried very well at 10~20°C. And when the resins are stored outside the workplace of moulding, in the workplace they shall be complied with the work temperature before working.

(2) Hardeners and accelerators, according to the working requirements of the maker, shall be stored at the place to be ventilated and cleared very well. Pillars and bondings shall be stored in the enclosed bottles so that a dust or a humidity is not permeated. And the hardeners, according to

the working requirements of the maker, shall be stored at the place to be free of a dust and


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Annex 2 Design and Construction for Submersible with GRP Annex 2



(3) When the glass materials is stored outside the cutting workplace, in the workplace they shall be complied with the work temperature before working.

3.4 Handling of Materials

(1) The entering and handling of materials shall be ensured that the materials are not contaminated or fallen off in quality, and always confirmed appropriately. The materials, anywhere, always shall be used according to the procedure, and when there is not the pre-consultation between the maker and the Society, the materials expired in using date shall not be used.

(2) All auxiliary materials or remained ones, after delivery, shall be stored at the cumulated place or the previous storage one.

4. Manufacturing Process

4.1 Moulding

(1) The moulding shall be made of a proper materials and the moulding is to be kept for the en- tire shapes and the elaborateness.

(2) The materials used for moulding shall not give rise to the resin hardness

(3) In the workplace to be accessible easily, the proper moving equipments shall be arranged inside or outside the workplace.

4.2 Laminating

(1) The bolts shall generally be clear and dry, and before handling by a proper separating system, they are to be complied with the temperature condition of the ship. The release agents shall not restrain the function of gelcoats.

(2) The gelcoats of 0.4 ~ 0.6 mm in thickness shall be painted by spray lay-up apparatus or rollers or brushes to disperse evenly.

(3) Before making the first layer of reinforcements, the gelcoats shall not be exposed exceeding the

limited hours according to the working requirements of the makers. And the gelcoats shall be

reiterated with light reinforcements, having not exceeding 450 gĤmË in weight.

(4) For the sandwich construction made on the pure moulding, it shall be reiterated with resin com-

pounds or a lots of resin coats outside before painting.

(5) All mouldings shall be made of layers of the reinforcements and having the approved method about the sequence and the direction of the working. And at each layer it is to be reinforced

by the glass materials required.

(6) At the accumulated material layer under wet-on-wet condition, it shall be taken for heats not to be come out.

(7) The laminating shall be done according to the procedure within the limited hours. And for the

moulding and the bonding of construction members it is also to be completed in hours permitted.

(8) When stopping the laminating, at the first layer of the reinforcement having this last laminating, it shall be made of a piece of glass wool. And the reinforcement shall be arranged through the laminating to maintain the strength continuously.

(9) The connections and the bonding shall be made of doubling with the glass reinforcements hav-

ing 600 gĤmË in weight and 25 mm in thickness. If it is impossible to cut mouldings, the cut- ting edge shall be appropriately doubled or be of the moulding strip.

(10) When the laminating quality producted is found to be disorder, it may be required by this Society a proper test with same panels as the actual manufactured ones.

(11) When a laminating other than hand lay-up is applied, before working it shall be approved by

this Society and then a special test may be required.

4.3 Details

(1) When the thickness of laminating is changed, it shall be gradually decreased or increased by the taper working. If it is changed from sandwich laminating to solid one, the thickness of cores shall gradually decreased with the ratio of one to two or more. In general the frame and the reinforced section, in order to laminate under not hardening yet, shall be made of layer by layer.


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(2) On the construction parts there shall not be a discontinuity and fastening points. And it is to be properly reinforced for unbalanced members such as the connection of openings and attachments, etc.

(3) The assembles outside the moulding, while moulding, shall be mould to the adjacent con- struction or be connected to angles comprising of layer of reinforcements.

(4) At the fastening laminates mechanically the strength of the connection parts shall be kept the balance. The fastening shall be of the metal of preventing from a corrosion and be fitted at the

proper space/ place so that the design requirement is satisfied. The fastening is also of


washer plated type to be able to use at the both side, and be welded at the cutting end of laminates and fastening holes.

(5) The back-pads or inserting-pads with their proper strength shall be made for bonding the

accessories. And the surfaces of the pads are to be adequately protected from contaminating.

(6) The sandwich laminating, when inserting the materials able to endure the design loads and the compression, shall be satisfied with the connection of bolting or accessories. The inserted parts are to be attached very well to the lay-up surface and the cores.

4.4 Fitting-out and Hardening

(1) Upon lay-up process, the moulding, while hardening, shall be remained until removing the resin.

The hardening is to be kept for the required period by the makers or 12 hours or more. And then it may be changed for the moulding's density and resin's type.

(2) A large construction, during fitting-out and detaching the bolts, shall be supported and re-

inforced adequately.

(3) The Moulding, while processing it, shall be stabilized for the required times from the makers or 24 hours or more before a special moulding process by the makers.

5. Materials

5.1 Unsaturated Polyester resin

(1) The type of unsaturated polyester resin for use shall be harden without heat treatment process partially.

(2) The laminating and gelcoats shall be able to be used at sea, and the friction resistance is to be

in good order. And aging stability orthophatalic resins shall not be used for gelcoats outside.

(3) Colerful matters and thixotropic agents shall be only used as additives to gelcoats.

(4) The laminates and gelcoats shall be manufactured with casting property as follows, Fractured seal for gelcoat resin : 2.5 %

Fractured seal

for laminating : 2.0 %

Maximum absorbed water

(5) pIneraatdudreitioant lteoast4 5a3bov.e, the

(6) The cast resins specified in

: 60 mg after 7 days

cast laminating resins shall be kept for the thermal deforming tem-

4 and 5, before hardening for 16 hours at the temperature of 40

or more, shall be kept for 24 hours at the temperature of 18or more, and by using a proper

hardening apparatus it shall be tested with a specimen prepared.

(7) The above laminating resins shall be satisfied with the mechanical properties specified in 5.7.

And before manufacturing, the relevant documents in evidence such as test data, etc. shall be submitted to this Society.

5.2 Accelerators and Hardeners

(1) Accelerators shall be made of matters to give rise to polymerization of resins, and the materials of hardeners is to be of ones to raise the hardening rate of accelerated resins.

(2) The quantities with types for accelerators and hardeners, for the purpose of using in particular,

shall be complied with the requirements of the resin-makers, and without partially heat-treat- ments it is to be capable of hardening.

5.3 Color pigment

(1) Pigment shall not have an effect on the final hardening.

(2) Pigment may be added to the resins by the makers or moulding worker. When doing by the moulding worker, it shall be dispersed with compatible polyester resins.


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(3) For the thickness of colorful pigments, the additional quantities shall not be put into more than ones recommended from the makers and then in any cases not exceeding to 5 % of total weights of resins.

(4) Where the laminating resins are consisted of the internal surface of seawater tanks or fuel oil tanks, no a pigment shall be used.

5.4 Pillars

(1) The using pillars shall not have an effect on the resin property.

(2) The kinds and amounts of pillars for filling resins, shall not give rise to change the viscosity.

And the using quantity shall not exceed to 13 % of weights of using resins (including 3 % of thixotropic pillars) or one required properly by makers, whichever is less.

(3) Pillars shall not be used for laminate of construction in seawater tanks or fuel oil tanks.

(4) Pillars shall be dispersed evenly with resin compounds.

(5) A similar alkaline type or calcium carbonate of pillars shall not be used for noncombustible laminate

5.5 Noncombustible laminate

Where noncombustible materials are taken from additive compounds given in resin system, the kinds and amounts of the additive shall not give rise to change the mechanical property or the res- in's viscosity, and complying with the related requirements of the makes.

5.6 Fiberglass Reinforcements

(1) Fiberglass or less of

(2) Fiberglass

reinforcements shall be made of "E" glass of silicic acid in low akaline having 1%

ÀŴËĀ of the alkalic contents.

reinforcements shall be of the kinds and grades, and consisted of the followings.

(A) Chopped strand or continuous filament mat

(B) Fiber roving

(C) Single direction roving

(D) Fiber textile

(E) Compound reinforcements

(3) The materials shall be ensured so sufficiently that there is no defects, discolorations, another substances and other flaws, and then having not an effect on the quality of laminate produced.

(4) When the reinforcements are moulding to the laminate, it shall be kept for the mechanical prop-

erty given in 5.7 (2), and then the makers are to be required to submit to the Society the data about this mechanical property before manufacturing.

5.7 Material properties of laminate

(1) For laminate made of non saturated polyester resins or Fiberglass reinforcements, the mechanical property may be taken differently in accordance with the material's condition, constructing meth- od and actual materials in use during manufacturing. While constructing the ship, if esteemed to choose resins, it shall be considered for the heat torsion of laminating resins and the fracture of laminating resins and gelcoats.

(2) The reinforcements and laminate made of resins shall be composed of at least 30 % of glass

and the mechanical characteristic shall

(A) Final tensile strength

(B) Modulus of tensile

(C) Final ductility strength

(D) Modulus of ductility

(E) Final compression strength

(F) Modulus of compression

(G) Final shear force strength

(H) Modulus of shear force

be not less than the following requirements.

85 NĤmm Ë

6350 NĤmmË

152 NĤmmË

5206 NĤmmË

117 NĤmmË

6000 NĤmmË

62 NĤmm Ë

2750 NĤmmË

(I) Shear force strength of internal laminate 17.25 NĤmmË

(3) When the laminate contains something other than 30 % of glass reinforcements, the mechanical

property shall be esteemed to comply with the following formulas.


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(A) Final tensile strength



(B) Modulus of tensile



× ËŊ Ė

N mm Ë




(C) Final ductility strength


(D) Modulus of ductility



(E) Final compression strength

(F) Modulus of compression






(G) Final shear force strength

(H) Modulus of shear force





N mm Ë



(I) Shear force strength of internal

laminate ËËĦÈ G ËĒĦÈ Ă FNĤmmË F

(4) For single direction roving,

(A) Final tensile strength

the tensile property shall be given in


the following formula.



(B) Modulus of tensile





Ă : weights for glass coats)

contents of laminate according to the following formula.(except gel-





Å : nominal thickness of laminate determined by (4) (mm)

B : total weights for glass reinforcements of laminate (gĤm Ë)

When single reinforcements herein is arranged to the direction of 0° or arbitrary or rec- tangular(0°, 90°), the minimum values shall be required.

(5) When the specific gravity for glasses and resins are given between 2.56 and 1.2, the nominal

thickness of laminate (except gelcoats) shall be summed up each laminate of reinforcements as the following formula.



Ž : weights of reinforcement at one layer (gĤmË)

X : contents of glass at one layer

(6) Where glasses are contained very much in the resin reinforcements, the quantities shall not ex- ceed to the following so that they are entirely permeated into the resins and become solid.

chopped strand mat or sprayed fiber

34 %

Fiber roving

50 %

Single direction roving

54 %

Fabric textile

50 %

(7) The mechanical property of each resin used, as contents of glass, type, weight, nominal thick- ness, shall be stated on working drawing,

(8) When the mechanical property of laminate used is different from the above (3), it shall be con- fpilremdedonbythteesltainmgintaoteknthoawt bwehfeotrheerhaitrdceanningbefoursed16orhonuorts. Aatndthethetenmtpheerastpuerecimofen40shall obre msaomre-, shall be kept for 24 hours at the temperature of 20 ± 5.

When determining the ductile specification, the moulding surface shall be in tensile condition,

and then all test methods and the sampling specimen shall be complied with the requirements


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of Annex I for Guidance Relating to the Rules for Classification of Ships of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastics.

(9) For compounded laminate, when the textile reinforcements is required to get internal shear force

strength especially, it shall be taken more than the required value of laminate (refer to (3) above).

(10) The specimen shall be sampled by the makers, and it is to be taken from the same as the

materials to be used, and having same manufacturing specification, materials and a series of products.

5.8 Cores of Sandwich Construction

(1) The reinforced plastics in stiffness shall be complied with the following requirements.

(A) A good safety in durability is to be taken and the enclosed hull type not to be permeated with oil, fuel and water.

(B) Lower water absorptiveness is to be taken.

(C) Coexistence with polyester resins is to be possible.

(D) A excellent strength is to be kept at 60of temperature.

(E) Mechanical property is to be taken not less than the value given in Table 2.1

Table 2.1 Mechanical property to cores of sandwich construction


Density (kgĤmĖ )

Strength (NĤmmĖ)

Elastic Modulus (NĤmm Ė)



Shear force


Shear force

Polyuretane (PU)







Polyvinyl-chlor- ides(PVC)


(2) The end-grain balsa shall be complied with the following requirements.

(A) Action is to be taken against a fungus and insects.

(B) Disinfection is to be taken.

(C) 12 % of average humidity is to be maintained.

(D) Where small blocks is constructed with formative sheets, open-weave and bonding coexistence and soluble in polyester laminate resins.

(E) Mechanical property is to be taken not less than the value given in Table 2.2

shall be

Table 2.2 Minimum mechanical property to End-grain baisa

Density (kgĤm Ė)

Strength (NĤmmĖ)

Modulus of com- pression (NĤmmĖ )

Elastic modulus of shear force



Shear force

Direction of strength

Direction of stress

parallel with grain

vertical with grain

parallel with grain

vertical with grain

parallel with grain

vertical with grain

(NĤmm Ė)










(3) Other cores shall be esteemed to be used for those purpose and specification. And all test methods and sampling the specimen shall be complied with the requirements of Annex I for Guidance Relating to the Rules for Classification of Ships of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastics.

5.9 Materials of Consolidated construction members

The steel or pose to use.

aluminum alloy to be used for construction, shall be properly satisfied with the pur- And components or members consisted of these materials shall be able to attach to


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laminates and do not have an effect on hardness of resins. The surface of members facing with resins shall be wholly clear and cleared off alien substances. And as far as possible a shot blasting or one of surface treatment (e.g. abraded) shall be taken at the key equipped. image


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