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Section 3 Hatches, Doors and Access Ports

301. Hatches

1. Submersibles are normally to be equipped with an entry and exit hatch capable of being operated from both sides. The entry/exit hatch is to be designed to allow safe entry into and safe exit from the submersible without water penetrating into the interior of the vehicle.

2. Entry/exit hatches are to be provided with a closing mechanism which enables sufficient pressure to be exerted on the hatch seal even when surfaced. The design of the closing mechanism shall fur- ther ensure that the hatch cannot be opened until pressure equalization has taken place.

302. Doors

Provision is to be made to enable doors to be opened from both sides. Door casings are to be provided with pressure equalizing valves.

303. Access ports

Doors and access ports for persons shall have a clear diameter of at least 500 mm. That of diver entry and exit hatches shall be at least 600 mm.