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Section 4 Equipment

401. Anchors

Autonomous submersibles are to be equipped with suitable anchors including the necessary hoisting and lowering gear. The anchor gear should be jettisonable in an emergency.

402. Bitts

Submersibles are to be equipped with bitts etc. mooring the vehicle.

403. Lifting and towing attachments

Submersibles operated from support ships are to be provided with lifting and towing attachments enabling the vehicle to be lifted aboard or towed. In addition, such vehicles are to be equipped with alternative lifting attachments to which hoisting gear can be attached in an emergency for re- trieving the vehicle.

404. Ramming fenders

Where necessary, submersibles are to be fitted with ramming fenders or similar for the protection of the outer casing.

405. Lights, signal shapes and sound signals


1. Autonomous submersibles are to be equipped with lights, signal shapes and sound signals in ac- cordance with the 1972 International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea (COLREGS 1972).

2. Non-autonomous submersibles are to be equipped with suitable signalling devices (e.g. flashing lights) enabling the vehicle to be rapidly detected after surfacing.

3. Where the external lighting is installed, it is durable to the maximum permissible diving pressure and is to be watertightness

406. Position indicators, radio direction finders and locating equipment

1. According to their mode of operation and application, submersibles are to be provided with suitable equipment for locating the vehicle when travelling on the surface and submerged.

2. To render them more easily visible when on the surface, submersibles should be painted in con- trasting colours or with reflecting media, preference being given to the colours orange, yellow or red.

407. Marker buoy

1. Autonomous submersibles are to be equipped with a marker buoy which can be released from in- side the vehicle in an emergency. The marker buoy is to be fitted with an automatic distress signal transmitter.

2. A marker buoy in accordance with Par 1. is recommended for non-autonomous submersibles.

408. Other equipment

The equipping of submersibles with, for example, manipulators, TV equipment, searchlights, tools and working gear depends on the type of submersible concerned and its proposed application and is to be agreed with the Society in each individual case.