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Section 2 Drawings and Documents

201. General

1. Before the start of manufacture, plans of the total system and drawings of all components subject to compulsory inspection, wherever applicable and to the extent specified below, are to be sub- mitted to this Society with 3 copies including 1 copy for approval. All corrective actions are to be treated and approved by the Society before they are implemented.

2. The drawings are to contain all the data necessary to check the design and loading of the equipment. Wherever necessary, calculations relating to components and descriptions of the system are to be submitted.

202. Total system

The following documents are to be submitted:

1. A description of the submersible with details of its mode of operation, the proposed application and the essential design data including:

(1) Maximum diving depth

(2) Maximum operating time and maximum survival time

(3) Maximum number of persons in pressure hull

(4) Divers' compression chamber

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(5) Diving procedure

(6) Operating limits for launching and retrieval (seaway)

(7) Other operating limits (e.g. associated with geographical factors or current)

(8) Speed

(9) Type of drive and manoeuvring equipment

(10) Weight of vehicle, useful load and ballast, displacement (submerged).

2. General drawing and plans showing arrangement and design details of the submersible, including specifications for materials, manufacture and testing

3. In the case of submersibles operated from support ships or stations, arrangement drawings (block diagrams) of the total system are to be submitted together with details of the equipment provided for the supply and support of the submersible (e.g. handling and retrieval system, gas supply, com- pression chamber system, dynamic positioning system, battery charging facilities etc.)

4. A comprehensive presentation of the measures taken to prevent corrosion

5. Trial program

203. Pressure Hull

1. Drawings and calculations for the pressure hull are to be submitted with all essential particulars and details necessary for appraising the safety of the equipment and including the specifications for materials, manufacture and testing. The drawings are to show all the internal and external fixtures of the pressure hull (e.g. strengthening ribs, machine bed plates, mountings etc.).

2. In addition, component drawings of the pressure hull equipment are to be submitted including:

(1) Entry and exit hatches

(2) Windows, window flanges and counter flanges

(3) Door panels and door frames

(4) Block flanges

(5) Pressure hull wall penetrations and their arrangement

(6) Diver's lockout.

204. External structure

Plans and sectional drawings of the vehicle envelope and supporting structure are to be submitted including details of such pressure hull fixtures as diving tanks, gas tanks, buoyancy tanks, stabiliz- ing fins, rudder, disengaging gear, keel runners, anti ramming device, streamlining elements, manip- ulators, instrument mountings, anchor etc.

205. Diving and buoyancy tanks, trimming devices

Arrangement details of diving, regulating and trimming tanks with mathematical proof of the vehi- cle's static diving capability and stability when submerged and on the surface, including the inter- mediate conditions occurring when the vehicle is diving or surfacing both normally and in emer- gency situations.

206. Pressure vessels and apparatus

Drawings of the pressure vessels and apparatus are to be submitted with all essential particulars and details necessary for appraising the safety of the equipment and including the specifications for materials, manufacture and testing.

207. Piping systems, pumps and compressors

For the piping systems, pumps and compressors, the following are to be submitted:

1. Schematic diagrams of all piping systems including details of:

(1) Materials

(2) Maximum working pressure/temperature

(3) Dimensions (diameter, wall thickness)

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(4) Media carried

(5) Type of valves and connections used

(6) Type of hoses used.

2. Description of pumps, compressors and their drives together with all important design and operating data.

208. Control systems for depth, trim and positive and negative buoyancy

Description of the control systems for depth, trim and positive and negative buoyancy as well as of the safety devices to prevent the maximum diving depth from being exceeded, including the neces- sary piping diagrams and component drawings. This includes drawings of:

1. Compressed air system for blowing diving tanks

2. Freeing and ballast systems

3. Rigid buoyancy elements and their mountings

4. Weights and gear capable of being jettisoned and their means of release.

209. Propulsion and manoeuvring equipment

Drawings and descriptions are to be submitted of the propulsion and manoeuvring cluding gears, couplings, shafting, propellers and rudders with details of:

1. Mode of operation and control of the systems

2. Power consumption (type and quantity)

3. Method of power transmission to propulsion unit

4. Seals of pressure hull wall penetrations

5. Operating range and response time of rudder.

equipment in-

210. Electrical equipment

The following are to be submitted:

1. A general arrangement drawing of the electrical equipment containing at least the formation:

(1) Voltage rating of the systems

(2) Power or current ratings of electrical consumers

(3) Switchgear, indicating settings for short-circuit and overload protection; fuses with details of current ratings

(4) Cable types and cross sections.

2. The energy balance of the main and emergency power supply systems.

3. Drawings of switchgear and distribution equipment with parts lists.

following in-

4. Complete documentation for electric motor drives with details of control, measuring and monitoring systems.

5. Battery installation drawing with details of battery types, chargers and battery room ventilation.

6. Details of electrical penetrations through pressure hull walls.

7. Diagrams showing allocation of pressure hull wall penetrations.

8. Diagrams showing arrangement of emergency light fittings.

9. Calculation of short circuit conditions with details of circuit breakers, power protection switches and fuses fitted to main and emergency switchboards and distribution boards indicating their current rat- ings and breaking capacity.

10. The installer of the electrical equipment is to submit confirmation on the effect that the electrical equipment in hazardous areas is of explosion proof design.

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211. Automation, communications, navigation and locating systems

For the automation, communications, navigation and locating systems, the following are to be sub- mitted:

1. Description of the complete instrumentation layout.

2. Description of the control and operating elements for the submersible and its equipment.

3. Description of the nautical and diving instrumentation, including speed and position indicators.

4. A description of the safety and alarm systems.

5. Arrangement drawings/block diagrams of monitoring systems including lists of measuring points.

6. Documentation for electronic components such as instrument amplifiers, computers and peripheral units.

7. General diagrams and equipment lists for the communication systems and signalling equipment.

8. General diagram and description of the TV system.

9. Descriptions, general diagrams and equipment lists for the locating equipment.

212. Life support systems

For the life support systems, the following are to be submitted:

1. Piping diagrams, block diagrams and descriptions of the systems and equipment used for gas sup- ply, circulation, purification and conditioning of the atmosphere in the pressure hull, including the monitoring equipment, for both normal and emergency operation.

2. Mathematical proof of the adequate capacity of the breathing gas supply and air renewal systems under normal and emergency conditions.

3. Description of the facilities for supplying water, food and medicines and for evacuating waste.

4. In the case of externally supplied submersibles, drawings and descriptions of the umbilical are to be submitted.

213. Fire protection and fire extinguishing equipment

For the fire protection and fire extinguishing equipment, the following are to be submitted:

1. Description of preventive fire precautions

2. Fire protection plans

3. Details of the nature and quantity of combustible materials in the submersible.

4. Drawings and descriptions of:

(1) Fire detectors

(2) Fire extinguishers

(3) Fire alarms.

5. Analysis of the dangers arising from possible outbreaks of fire.

214. Evacuation systems

Drawings and descriptions are to be submitted of the systems and equipment for evacuating hicle crew, passengers and divers.

the ve-

215. Handling, recovering and mating systems

For the handling, recovering and mating systems, the following are to be submitted:

1. Description of system with details of operating parameters.

2. Installation drawing including control platform arrangement.

3. Design drawings of:

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(1) Handling devices

(2) Mating devices

(3) Sub structures of gear and winches.

4. Detailed drawings of interchangeable components and fittings.

5. Drawings of mechanical equipment such as winches, drives etc.

6. Circuit diagrams of the hydraulic and/or pneumatic systems, as applicable.

7. Control diagram and description of safety devices.

8. Details of the ratings and class of protection of electrical equipment.

9. Details of hoisting ropes.