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Section 3 Tests and Trials

301. General

1. Submersibles and their ancillary equipment are subject to constructional and acceptance testing. As a minimum requirement, this shall include verification of compliance with the approved documents, inspection of workmanship, verification of materials and the relevant documentation and checking of dimensional tolerances. In addition, all the tests prescribed in the following paragraphs are to be performed and documented, wherever applicable.

2. For series manufactured parts, test procedures other than those prescribed may be agreed with the Society provided that they are recognized as equivalent by the Society.

3. This Society reserves the right to extend the scope of the tests where necessary and also to subject to test those parts for which testing is not expressly prescribed in the Rules.

4. Parts subject to compulsory inspection are to be replaced with tested parts. The same also applies to spare parts.

5. Where submersibles are equipped with a diver's lockout, the components and equipment concerned are also to be subjected to the tests prescribed in Pt 9, Ch 7 of Rules for the Classification of Steel Ships.

302. Total system

On completion, the submersible including the necessary ancillary equipment (e.g. handling and re- trieval systems) is to be subjected to a functional and acceptance test in accordance with the ap- proved trial programme. This shall include at least the following individual tests:

1. Inspection of assembly (where not already performed during supervision of manufacture)

2. Measurement of weight and buoyancy and checking of stability under normal and emergency con- ditions

3. Inspection of internal equipment, partition bulk heads with doors, floors and ladders

4. Testing of all safety devices

5. Functional testing of diving and trimming equipment

6. Functional testing of mechanical and electrical equipment

7. Heeling or trimming experiment submerged

8. Testing of emergency release equipment

9. Trial trip on surface with verification of buoyancy

10. Trial trip submerged

11. Testing of handling and retrieval system

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Ch 1 General Pt 1, Ch 1


12. Functional testing of life support systems

13. Verification of the accuracy of all important instrument readings

14. Insulation test on the electrical equipment

303. Pressure hull

1. On completion of the machining work and any necessary heat treatment, pressure hulls are to be

subjected to a hydraulic external pressure

test. This test may be performed either on the raw hull

in a compression chamber or as part

submersible. The test pressure is to be

of a submersion test carried determined in accordance with

out on the completed

Table 1.5.3 in Ch 5.

Pressure hull compartments in which an internal over-pressure may occur

are to be subjected to a

hydraulic internal pressure test at 1.5 times the maximum permissible working pressure. After the pressure tests, the pressure hull is to be examined for leaks, permanent deformations and cracks.

2. Pressure hull penetrations and closing appliances are to be tested for tightness by the application of a negative pressure of at least 0.2 bar.

3. All pressure hull windows are to be subjected to a hydraulic pressure test. The test may be per- formed after installation together with the pressure hull or individually in a testing device. The test pressure is to be determined in accordance with the above Par 1. After the pressure test, windows may exhibit no scratches, cracks or permanent deformation.

304. External structure

A check is to be carried out on the arrangement, mounting and fastening of such equipment items as stairways, gratings, handrails, bitts, masts, navigating lights, towing devices and draught marks. and the external structural components such as anchors, rudders, manipulators etc. are to be sub- jected to a functional test.

305. Diving, buoyancy and trimming tanks

1. Diving tanks are to be subjected to a tightness test using air at an excess pressure of about 0.2 bar.

2. Regulating and trimming tanks are to be subjected to a hydraulic pressure test at 1.5 times the maximum permissible operating pressure.

306. Pressure vessels and apparatus

1. Pressure vessels are to undergo a hydraulic pressure test at 1.5 times the maximum permissible working pressure before being insulated or painted. The test may result in no leakage or permanent deformation of the vessel walls.

2. Vessels and apparatus which may be subjected to external overpressure equivalent to the maximum permissible diving depth of the submersible are to be subjected to an external pressure test. The test pressure is at least to be equal that applied to the pressure hull.

307. Piping systems, pumps and compressors

1. Pipes

(1) On completion but before being insulated or painted, all pipes are to undergo a hydraulic pres- sure test at 1.5 times the maximum permissible working pressure. And after installation on board, all piping systems are to be carried out water tight or leak tests with maximum permis- sible diving pressure.

(2) Pipes for breathing gas and oxygen are to be tested for cleanliness.

2. Pumps and compressors

(1) Pump and compressor components subjected to pressure are to undergo a hydraulic pressure test.

Pt 1 Submersibles

Ch 1 General Pt 1, Ch 1


For pumps the test pressure shall be 1.5 times the maximum permissible working pressure, for compressors 1.5 times the delivery pressure of the compressor stage concerned.

(2) On completion, pumps and compressors are to be subjected to a tightness test at their maximum

permissible working pressure. In addition, a performance test is to be carried out. With breath- ing gas compressors, the final moisture content and any possible contamination of the com- pressed gas are also to be determined. The safety devices are also to be checked.

308. Control systems for depth, trim and positive and negative buoyancy

1. Trimming, freeing and ballast systems are to be subjected to a functional test under normal and emergency operating conditions. The measuring devices as well as the safety and alarm equipment are to be checked.

2. The diving tank venting system and the operating elements are to be subjected to a functional test.

309. Propulsion and manoeuvring equipment

The installation of the propulsion and manoeuvring equipment is to be checked and the entire pro- pulsion plant is to be subjected to a functional test.

310. Electrical equipment

1. Electrical machines, components, including steering and control positions, cables and lines are to be tested in the manufacturer's works in accordance with Pt 6 of Rules for the Classification of Steel Ships.

2. All electrical systems and equipment are to be inspected and tested before the submersible is put into service.

3. Electrical protective devices are to be checked; in addition, an insulation test is to be performed on the electrical equipment in the pressure hull.

311. Automation, communications, navigation and locating equipment

1. Indicating and monitoring instruments are to be tested for the accuracy of their readings and their limit value settings.

2. Automatic control systems are to be checked for satisfactory performance under service conditions.

3. Normal and emergency communications equipment is to be subjected to a functional test.

4. Proof is required of the autonomy of the safety systems.

312. Life support systems

1. A functional test is to be carried out to verify the satisfactory functioning of the life support sys- tem under normal and emergency conditions.

2. The arrangement of the O2, CO2 and H2 measuring devices is to be inspected, and they are to be checked for the accuracy of their readings and their limit value settings.

3. The sanitary facilities are to be checked to ensure that they are functioning properly.

4. The installation of the ventilation system is to be inspected and the operation of the fans and fire flaps is to be checked.

313. Fire protection

1. The fire behaviour of the internal fittings and equipment is to be checked by reference to the rele- vant test certificates and symbols, as applicable.

2. A check is to be made as to whether the electrical heating systems and heaters are fitted with pro-

Pt 1 Submersibles

Ch 1 General Pt 1, Ch 1


tection against overheating.

3. Fire alarm, detection and extinguishing appliances are to be subjected to a functional test.

314. Evacuation systems

The release equipment is to be subjected to a functional test in

shallow water. In the course of

this test it shall be proved that the release gear functions properly even with the submersible at the maximum permissible inclination and that adequate stability of the vehicle is maintained after


315. Handling, recovering and mating systems

1. After installation on board, the handling and retrieval system is to be loaded with a test load equal to 2.2 times the working load. In addition, a dynamic load test (braking test) is to be carried out at 1.25 times the working load.

2. A test is to be performed to ensure that the mating, release, transfer, lowering and raising of the submersible proceed smoothly and safely under normal and emergency operating conditions.

3. Where a mating device is provided, a test is to be performed to verify that release and transfer can only take place when the trunk is not under pressure.

4. The safety devices are to be checked.