
ICS founded and registered on 14.Feb.2006 under registration number of 20765. ICS has been started its regular survey work for classification of vessel, in domestic trade, after we develop our talent to render our services to regional and international trade with Iranian flagged vessels.
We have been received Iranian flag administration which is called Islamic Republic of Iran Port and Maritime Organization accreditation on classification services to Iranian domestic fleet on 22.Dec.2007 and later we have introduced to IMO as a recognized classification society and has been reflected on IMO GISIS site with relevant authoritative role and mission, which updated information could be found on

The general assembly which held on registration of ICS is consist the members of Iranian maritime community comprising; ship owners, ship builders, shipping companies, shipping industries, Iran naval architect university, maritime foundations and similar other organization related to marine and offshore sectors, decided to select among the candidate, members of board of trustee, which this board is highest level of management and usually they held quarterly meeting to establish policies and directives and also approve the strategic and short term plan for conduct of society, they have also organized board of directors, which will be involved in running of the society. The Board of Director will nominate society managing director for the actual execution of mission and implementing of policy and action plan.
The society has been formed up in 2 level of management, policy making and executive level. On management structure they are 4 deputies in charge of conduct of various activities; such as administration, classification, Development & Technology Planning, technical appraisal. Each formed up in several department such as new building department, existing vessel department and material and equipment department. They are appropriate team in each department. Then have organized the survey centers in North and South.
In form of formal staffs who are working under ICS structure body, they are mostly naval architects with MS degree from best and prestigious marine technology university, marine engineer and marine academy graduates. They serve on management level as well as in survey centers.

As a general concept:
- Classification is a process through which the principal standards for the construction of ships and their essential engineering systems are developed, and compliance with those standards is certified through design appraisal and survey during the construction and periodically throughout a ships life.
- Contribution of consultative services and cooperation closely with administration and relevant regulatory bodies in national and international level, regarding various matters respect to safer shipping on design, construction, maintaining the required fitness during life cycle of ships and support of industries, quality and safety obligations.

The mission of Iranian Classification Society is to performing all duties assigned to society through Iranian flag Administration as a recognized organization, to render flag state services on behalf of said administration and issue relevant certificates in line with administration objectives which is promoting the safety of life and property at sea and protection of marine environment, through the development and implementation of rules and standard for design, construction and operational maintenance of ships and marine related facilities.

ICS quality policy is to providing the quality of services in support of stated mission and to be responsive to the individual and collective need of its clients and as well as those of the public concern. All ICS services delivered to its customers must be recognized as expression of quality. ICS management will lead possible attempts and expertise to strive for continues improvement, as an utmost goal.

ICS committed to achieve the optimum classification society standard on the basis of reliability, proven expertise, operating a quality management system, which meets the requirements of the international quality management standard ISO 9001-2008.
ICS has committed to continually improving the system through management reviews in order to enhance internal efficiency and client satisfaction.
On the basis of this commitment ICS has obtained the certificate of quality management system through UKAS and relevant audits have seen taken place regularly and valid.
ICS at present enjoys of having quality and procedure manual, all required guidance, instruction, check list of surveys, format of various report and appraisal on classification and statutory survey and marine field examination and auditing process on quality management services raised by ISM, ISPS and other issues related to IMO conventions, resolutions, circular, guideline and also Iranian national rules and regulations.

As management responsibility is prominent, vital and most necessary they are nominated carefully and elected from among experienced staff by Board of Directors, and they play on all aspect with good talent and inspiration to motivate the whole staff.
Technical committee are used to establish, develop and update the rules and standard for society and also contributes the decision of technical matters raised by management staff which could not be set with the respective department.

They are essentially skilled people devoted to their work, surveyors carry out surveys on a ship for issuance of class certificates or for maintenance of class through annual and periodical surveys while ICS technical staff conduct systematic evaluation on adequacy of work taken place.

ICS classification society role and technology is to produce safety in the all marine related aspects with applying proper survey based on the mechanical and electrical engineering knowledge and using of management professional skills for better efficiency details are:
- Evaluation of ship performance required for charterer, insurance company and maritime inspectorate and buyers.
- Evaluation of ship structure and condition of actual maintaining, safety matters regulatory aspects (national and international level).
- Evaluation of role and function of vessel in respect with cargo carrying capability.
- Evaluation and approval of materials, machineries, equipment and system associated with new construction.
- Act on behalf of administration on all aspect of regulatory requirements.
- Publisher of list of ships registered and their latest status (register book).
- Development of rule and standards in relation to ship and offshore installation.
- Know-How to evaluate the damages.
- Contribution to develop standard.
- Training of staff.
- Quality management system.
- Risk analyzer on fatigue, and structure.
- Promotion of awareness among many players in maritime community.

At present we are a leading local Classification Society, all domestic fleets, comprising of traditional vessels, local trade, and international operating National Fleet are under our class and statutory survey coverage.