Plan approval and technical support directorate
In order to providing technical support for all ICS services in various departments, plan approval and technical support directorate is formed comprising of four departments by utilizing academic and industrial experts.

Due to ICS field of activities on survey and certification of structure and operation effectiveness of marine projects,each survey process must perform in accordance with plans and international, national and ICS rules and regulations. In other word, first, plan of new building ships must be evaluated and approved by plan approv al experts, then surveyors must monitor construction based on these documents. So plan approval department, a unit of plan approval and technical support directorate that consists of full-time and part-time experts, is responsible for plan evaluation and approval. Structure, mechanical, electrical, hydro dynamics and civil teams are subsets of this department.

This department was established for assessment, monitoring, and risk, incident and loss adjustment survey in marine industries (port facilities, offshore structures, ships and shipping industries). These cases are consid ered in insurance and claims team based on references, documentations and financial records according to primary and secondary inspections, and also it investigates insurance cases about loss and health evaluation.

This department was established and developed for totally technical support of ICS, and also is a solution for providing the ICS customers & surveyors by all classification and statuary surveys requirement. This depar tment does its job by collecting, collaboration, review, development, distribution and control of the latest inter national, regional, national, classification & statutory instruments and their updating. Moreover, this de partment takes part in IMO corres ponding sub-committee at PMO, while cooperates with various ICS departments.

This department is created in order to providing and pursuing strategic plans for development and expansion of ICS capacity & Customers .