Marine Inspection and Port Facilities

Iranian Classification Society is a Non-government & Non for profit organization that in fact is operating in field of maritime activities in comprising classing, training, technical, production, industry & also serving to national/ international level.

Marine inspection & port facilities begins its official activities under accreditation given by Ports & Maritime Organization. This department consists of pertinent Rules & Regulations & standards in order to perform the relevant inspections which are as below:
- Inspection & testing species of lifting equipment like as: crane, life truck, reach stocker, Transtainer & etc.
- Inspection & testing species of tractor, bogie & etc.
- Inspection & testing species of loader, grader, roller, finisher & etc.
- Inspection & testing species of equipment used in factories & ports like as: grap, conveyor, scale & etc.

- General process
- Review of documents and drawing as described below:
- Vessel general arrangement
- Stability booklet
- Classification and statutory certificates with its related endorsement
- Survey of structure and equipment completely including:
- Hull/ decks, securing eyes, holds, tanks, engine room …
- Machinery including: propulsion system auxiliary and their controller and functioning indicators, transmission gear, rudder, electrical power and distribution (main & auxiliary, air circulation and exhausts etc. …
- Survey of all safety equipment, navigation light, navigation and communication equipment, and etc.
- Determination of matters & mandates
- The following matter shall be considered by requester:
- End of loading and discharge
- Cooperation and coordination with surveyor

- It is to be noted that the vessel shall be in condition that all equipment and machineries could by operated during the survey by pertinent crew.
- Obligations undertaken by the company (owner) in the framework of approved continuous examination program.
- Obligations undertaken through of periodical inspections in accordance with CSC 1979 requirements

- Standard used by this society for inspection & approval of species cranes included: mobile crane, over-head & gantry crane, crane, derricks & ISO 4310
- Standards used by this society for inspection & approval of species auxiliary lifting equipment included: hook, shackle, wire, chain … & Api standard
- Standards used by this society for cargo loading test & container equipment certification on the base of ILO standard
- Standard used by ICS for cargo loading test & trailers & tractors certification on the base of American standard OSHA